What does name Pooja mean?

Pooja Vidhi in Hindu
Name Pooja belongs to rashi Kanya (Virgo) and Nakshatra (stars) Hastha.
What kind of name is Pooja?

Pooja. Usage: Pooja, of sanskrit origin, is a very popular first name.
People having the name Pooja are in general originating from India.
At what time we should do pooja?

Puja should be always performed by facing towards East or North. Consider praying between 6 am to 8 am in the morning
What Vedas says about God?

The Vedas reject the multiplicity of Gods in the
clearest possible terms and speak about One God,
who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient
and absolutely and absolutely formless, who is ever
unmanifest and who never assumes human forms or never
descends on earth in any form- human or otherwise.
Why pooja is done?

Puja, the loving offering of light, flowers, and water or food to the divine, is the essential ritual of Hinduism.
certain stages of life, events or some festivals such as Durga Puja and Lakshmi Puja.
In its simplest form, puja usually consists of making an offering of flowers or fruit to an image of a god. A puja may also include a circumambulation (pradakshina)
of the image or shrine and, in an elaborate ritual, a sacrifice (bali) and oblation to the sacred fire (homa)
How do you do pooja?

Performing Daily Puja or Worship
Sit on a piece of cloth or mat facing North or East.
First, you’ll clean the place and idols by sprinkling few drops of water. …
Light the lamps and ensure that you are placing two
deepams on either side of the mandapam one facing
east (towards sun) or another facing North (for a god)
How many times do Hindu pray in a day?

A shrine can be anything: a room, a small altar or simply pictures or statues of the deity. Family members often worship together.